@article{oai:ipu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000787, author = {飯出, 一秀 and 坂本, 賢広 and 野田, 真人 and 簀戸, 崇史 and 渋谷, 智也 and 河野, 儀久 and IIDE, Kazuhide and SAKAMOTO, Takahiro and NODA, Masato and SUDO, Takashi and SHIBUTANI, Tomonari and KAWANO, Yoshihisa}, journal = {環太平洋大学研究紀要, BULLETIN OF INTERNATIONAL PACIFIC UNIVERSITY}, month = {Nov}, note = {The purpose of this study was to investigate the flow of blood wen using percutaneous suction treatment device. Blood volume was measured using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS). The subjects were 10 healthy male. At the beginning had a reflection taken. Then percutaneous suction medical device was performed. OXY Hb, Total Hb, StO2 increased. No change was seen with de OXY Hb. Blood flow in front of the thigh decreased transiently. After that, it was showed an increase. With the use of percutaneous aspiration medical devices, blood flow is temporarily ischemic. It is necessary increase the number of the subjects for this study.}, pages = {51--55}, title = {経皮的吸引療法機器施術時における大腿浅層部の血流動態について}, volume = {19}, year = {2021}, yomi = {イイデ, カズヒデ and サカモト, タカヒロ and ノダ, マサト and スド, タカシ and シブタニ, トモナリ and カワノ, ヨシヒサ} }