@article{oai:ipu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000637, author = {宮坂, まみ and 坪田, 章彦 and MIYASAKA, Mami and TSUBOTA, Akihiko}, journal = {環太平洋大学研究紀要, BULLETIN OF INTERNATIONAL PACIFIC UNIVERSITY}, month = {May}, note = {Experiencing disaster may cause mental health issues, and prompt support is thus needed. A survey of female junior college students supporting affected areas following the torrential rainfall disaster in west Japan was conducted in this research; this served to identify individuals needing support in order to study the effects of disaster experiences. This research considered the mental health impacts of directly experiencing a recent disaster, having experienced a disaster in the past, knowing a friend or relative who has experienced disaster, and assisting in the support of disaster-affected areas. The results indicated that students whose parents’ or friends’ homes were affected by the torrential rainfall disaster, as well as students who were directly affected, experienced mental health issues. Furthermore, those who had previously experienced other disasters were more likely to suffer from mental health issues. The results suggest that it is necessary to provide care to those at high risk in the early stages following disaster by collecting information not only on students themselves, but also on students’ family histories and past experiences., 被災体験は精神的な問題を引き起こしうるため,すみやかな支援が求められる。本研究では,要支援者を明らかにすることを目的として西日本豪雨災害直後に被災地支援に携わった女子短期大学生を対象に調査を行い,自分自身や親しい人の被災体験,自身の過去の被災体験,および被災地支援が精神的な健康へおよぼす影響を検討した。その結果,西日本豪雨災害による直接的な被災経験のある学生だけでなく,実家や友人が被災した学生も精神的な問題を呈していた。また,過去の被災経験による精神的問題の高さもみられた。本結果より,学生自身の被災状況だけでなく,家族の状況や過去の経験などについても情報収集し,ハイリスク者への早期のケアが必要であると言える。}, pages = {153--158}, title = {過去と現在の被災体験が精神的健康に与える効果 ―西日本豪雨災害から―}, volume = {14}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ミヤサカ, マミ and ツボタ, アキヒコ} }