@article{oai:ipu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000426, author = {大西, 努 and 中尾, 道子 and 久田, 孝 and ONISHI, Tsutomu and NAKAO, Michiko and HISADA, Takashi}, journal = {環太平洋大学研究紀要, Bulletin of International Pacific University}, month = {Mar}, note = {研究の目的は,本学保健体育科教員志望学生並びに教育実習校担当指導教員からの教育実習に 対しての質問紙調査から,教育実習での実態を明らかにし,教員養成に於ける本学の今後の教育・支 援体制に対し今後の方向性や改善点について,考察することが目的である。調査項目については,次 の通りである。1)教育実習前の活動,意識状況 2)教育実習中の活動状況 3)実習校から見た 事前指導の修得度 4)実習校が期待する事前指導 5)本学が行う事後指導への意識改革である。 結果,実習前と実習後では,学生の思い込みと,実際の実践の場では大きな差があり,実習後においては事前指導の実践力,応用力の育成が学生への大きな心理的不安の解消に寄与するものであることが分かった。よって更に実践的演習に対する改善の知見を得た。, The purpose is to clarify the present situation in practice teaching,to consider directions and improvements in future for educational supportive system of our university teacher training,according to questionnaires conducted by student teachers and consultant teachers who were in charge of practice teaching. The following is questinnaires items. (1) Activities and consciousness condition before practice teaching. (2) Activities condition during practice teaching. (3) Acquirement level of prior guidance in the school where student teacher spend teaching. (4) Prior guidance what the school where student teacher spend teaching expects. (5) It is consciousness reform in post guidance of our university. In pre practice teaching-post practice teaching,there are significant differrences between prejudice of student teachers and practical situation. In post practice teaching,practical ability and applied ability of prior guidance make a great contribution to work off serious mental fear. therefore we acquired knowledge of mprovement, futher practical seminar is needed.}, pages = {233--240}, title = {教育実習事前事後指導が及ぼす教育実習への影響から見た効果と課題 ― より良き教職教育の在り方を求めて ―}, volume = {8}, year = {2014} }