@article{oai:ipu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000410, author = {平松, 茂 and HIRAMATSU, Shigeru}, journal = {環太平洋大学研究紀要, Bulletin of International Pacific University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The author has been breeding paramecia for 35 years and has instructed kindergarten, elementary school, and junior high school classes using observation of the paramecium as a teaching material, while advancing research in science education. In classes that utilize the paramecium, the author has developed teaching methods to foster an understanding of nature by allowing students to realize that living organisms are actually living creatures. In this study, the author engages in dialogue with students who are interested in paramecia, and furthers research on paramecium breeding at a pace that is aligned with the students’ abilities. Through these activities, the study evaluates changes in the depth of students’ knowledge and their passion for research and awareness of science education. Results show that the use of paramecium stimulated students’ curiosity, while simultaneously cultivating their perspectives about natural organisms and phenomena, and subsequently instilled in students the qualities necessary to teach science, which is “understanding through real experience”. This led the students to think of science education.}, pages = {87--97}, title = {ゾウリムシの接合の観察法の工夫から考える理科教育}, volume = {8}, year = {2014} }