@article{oai:ipu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000343, author = {住本, 克彦 and 大橋, 英夫 and 北﨑, 潤 and 中村, 高維 and 高木, 悠哉 and 鳥越, 厚樹 and 古田, 康生 and 嘉戸, 洋 and SUMIMOTO, Katsuhiko and OHASHI, Hideo and KITAZAKI, Jun and NAKAMURA, Takamasa and TAKAKI, Yuya and TORIGOE, Atsuki and FURUTA,, Yasuo and KADO, Hiroshi}, journal = {環太平洋大学研究紀要, Bulletin of International Pacific University}, month = {Oct}, note = {There exist many ways to promote training: academically certified supervision, approved counseling, officially recognized SGE leadership, Board of Education annual training course, student guidance training, educational consultation training, as well as counselor development courses, and also training workshops. This paper addresses the introduction of a workshop training program at a four-year university for faculty and non-academic staff members. The achievements and problem encountered were examined for: 1. How to develop understanding among members.  2. How cooperation between faculty and non-faculty members reduced barriers.  3. How the training was advanced through interaction between the coordinator and participants.  4. The level of cooperation between faculty and nonfaculty members.  5. Ways of problem-solving.  6. Clarification of existing challenges.7. Increase in opportunity for individual consultation.  8. A range of points of view. 9. Experiencing new training programs.  10. Reviewing university objectives.  11. Value of individual contributions.  12. Confirmation of responsibilities. Relating to issues 1. Contents of the training program.  2. Time management.  3. Coordinator training, ensuring education system.  4. Exploring possibility for student participation.  5. Exchange of information regarding future training programs.  6. Restricting numbers to improve discussion.}, pages = {117--126}, title = {大学における『ワークショップ型研修方式』導入による 教職員研修の在り方に関する一考察 ― その成果と課題 ―}, volume = {6}, year = {2012} }