@article{oai:ipu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000339, author = {平松, 茂 and HIRAMATSU, Shigeru}, journal = {環太平洋大学研究紀要, Bulletin of International Pacific University}, month = {Oct}, note = {It has been 33 years since the author bred paramecium for the first time. During this time observation of paramecium has been introduced into science classes in junior high schools and seminars for teachers. Through the observation and drawing of real ones students and teachers have been impressed to learn that paramecium is actually living. The attention paid by students confirms that paramecium can be effective as a teaching material in the classroom. This research paper shows reliable and stable methods for long-term breeding that could be conducted by teachers unfamiliar with science. It also shows cases in which the paramecium was put into practical use and its potential in education.}, pages = {81--90}, title = {ゾウリムシの長期飼育と教材化についての一考察}, volume = {6}, year = {2012} }