@article{oai:ipu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000009, author = {三垣 雅美 and MIGAKI, Masami}, journal = {環太平洋大学研究紀要, BULLETIN OF INTERNATIONAL PACIFIC UNIVERSITY}, month = {Nov}, note = {This paper focused on finding the similar and different points between the new courses of study offered by MEXT and the manuals by International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), and clarified their affinity between two. Erickson (2012) shows a curriculum design by a chart with three axes; skills, knowledge and conceptual understandings, which IB curriculum is based on. As Erickson’s three-dimensional model has three axes, the new courses of study (2018a) have also three main pillars; ① Acquisition of “Knowledge and Skills” ② Fostering “Thinking, Judgement and Expression skills” and ③ “Autonomous Learning and Humanity”. These three pillars of the new courses of study by MEXT correspond to three axes of Three-Dimensional Curriculum Models by Ericson respectively. Therefore, it can be recognized that there is an affinity between the curriculum concepts of the Japanese courses of study and IB. Furthermore, it was discovered that there are several similar points between the courses of study (foreign language) and IB principle and practice. On the other hand, there are some differences. These findings reveal that because the new courses of study have many similar points with IB, the implements even in article one schools without IB authorization are constructed on almost the same base as IB education., 本稿の目的は,新学習指導要領(平成30年告示)と国際バカロレア(IB)の共通点と相違点を明らかにすることである。エリクソン(2012)は,スキル,事実的知識,概念から成る三次元的カリキュラム理論を提唱しており,IBは,これを基礎理論としている。新学習指導要領もまた,学力の3本柱,つまり①「知識・技能」の取得,②「思考力・判断力・表現力等」の育成,③「学びに向かう力・人間性等」の滋養を,すべての教科で育成を目指す「資質・能力」として掲げている。したがって,学習指導要領とIBにおいて,教育の枠組みとしての共通点が認められる。そこで,高等学校学習指導要領(外国語編)と国際バカロレアディプロマプログラム(言語B)に焦点をあて,共通点と相違点を整理した。その結果,相違点も見られたが共通点も多くあったことから,IB非認定の一条校であっても,IB教育を包摂することがわかった。}, pages = {37--46}, title = {高等学校新学習指導要領に見られる国際バカロレアとの類似と相違 ― 学習指導要領 外国語編とIB Language Bに着目して ―}, volume = {23}, year = {2023}, yomi = {ミガキ,マサミ} }