@article{oai:ipu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000008, author = {宮本,彩 and MIYAMOTO, Aya and 木戸,和彦 and KIDO, Kazuhiko and 本村,大輔 and MOTOMURA, Daisuke and 岡田,航平 and OKADA, Kohei and 畑島,紀昭 and HATASHIMA, Noriaki and 常浦,光希 and TSUNEURA, Koki}, journal = {環太平洋大学研究紀要, BULLETIN OF INTERNATIONAL PACIFIC UNIVERSITY}, month = {Nov}, note = {The purpose of this study was to identify changes with the academic year from a survey on the expectations and actual conditions of university life. A Web survey was administered to first-through third-year students at the university, and valid responses were received from 988 students. The survey consisted of 61 items in total, including health and rest status, a scale of expectations for university life, and a scale of the formation of self-consciousness. Means were calculated for each subscale and differences by grade were tested using one-way ANOVA. The results of this study showed that the scale of ‘Resting’ decreased as the students increased in grade level. On the other hand, advanced students were found to be better adapted to group and interpersonal relationships. On the scale of expectations for college life, “Friendships” and “Academics” showed a slight decline from freshman to second year, and a tendency to increase again in the third year. On the formation of self-consciousness, both “Pursuit of possibilities” and “Effortful principle” tended to decrease with grade level, but the overall values were higher than in the previous study., 本研究の目的は,大学生活への期待と実態に関するアンケート調査を行い,学年に伴う変化を明らかにすることであった。本学の1年生から3年生を対象にWebアンケートを実施し,988名から有効回答を得た。調査内容は健康度・休養の実態,大学生活への期待尺度および自己形成意識尺度の計61項目であった。下位尺度ごとに平均値を求め,一元配置分散分析を用いて学年による差を検定した。本研究の結果から,学年が上がるにつれて『休養』の尺度が低下した一方,集団や対人関係へ適応することが読み取れた。大学生活への期待尺度では,『友人関係』と『学業』で1年生から2年生でやや低下し,3年生で再び高まる傾向が認められた。自己形成意識尺度では,『可能性追求』と『努力主義』ともに学年が上がると低下する傾向であったが,全体的に先行研究に比べて高値であった。}, pages = {29--35}, title = {大学生活への期待と実態に関する調査 ― 大学1年生から3年生を対象として ―}, volume = {23}, year = {2023}, yomi = {ミヤモト,アヤ and キド,カズヒコ and モトムラ,ダイスケ and オカダ,コウヘイ and ハタシマ,ノリアキ and ツネウラ,コウキ} }