@article{oai:ipu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000005, author = {柴山.慧 and SHIBAYAMA, Kei and 白石,翔 and SHIRAISHI, Sho and 坂本,康輔 and SAKAMOTO, Kosuke and 冨岡,宏健 and TOMIOKA, Hirotake and 石飛,朱萌 and ISHITOBI, Ayame and 清田,美紀 and SEIDA, Miki and 福田,健太郎 and FUKUDA, Kentaro and 早田,剛 and HAYATA, Go}, journal = {環太平洋大学研究紀要, BULLETIN OF INTERNATIONAL PACIFIC UNIVERSITY}, month = {Nov}, note = {In this study, in order to clarify what kind of learning the students of the Department of Physical Education of the A University, in O Prefecture, obtained in their teaching practice, we conducted a survey and analysis focusing on their qualities and abilities and the difficulties they felt during their teaching practice. The results revealed the following three points. First, students at A University improved most of the qualities and abilities as health and physical education teachers during their teaching practice, but problem-solving skills, globalization, and ICT need to be enhanced in the university’s teaching programs. Next, from the viewpoint of improving the qualities and abilities of health and physical education teachers during the teaching practice, it would be more effective to conduct the teaching practice in the fourth year. However, in light of the earlier recruitment examinations for teachers in the future, it is necessary to organize a course that allows students to complete as many teaching-related courses as possible before the third-year teaching practice, which the current fourth-year students have already completed. Finally, regarding the difficulties felt by the students during the teaching practice, it can be inferred that the difference between the fourth-year students and the third-year students was due to the difference in the number of teaching course-related classes taken. In other words, the fourth-year students felt more developed difficulties than the third-year students due to the difference in the number of micro teaching at the university.}, pages = {21--27}, title = {私立の体育大学生の教育実習における学びについての事例研究 ― 保健体育教員としての資質・能力に着目して ―}, volume = {23}, year = {2023}, yomi = {シバヤマ,ケイ and シライシ,ショウ and サカモト,コウスケ and トミオカ,ヒロスケ and イシトビ,アヤネ and セイダ,ミキ and フクダ,ケンタロウ and ハヤタ,ゴウ} }